What is Dyspraxia and how it Affects Me.I was Diagnosed with Dyspraxia roughly around the ages four to five, to simply put developmental co-ordination disorder.Dec 12, 2023Dec 12, 2023
When Nature CallsOh to the Sound of the River, with the backdrop of the Mountains.Jul 14, 2021Jul 14, 2021
When People Come Together Great things can happen.First it starts with an idea, sparked alight to give birth to what could be possible, then you work on it.Jun 27, 2020Jun 27, 2020
The Boy who Climbed a MountainAs a young boy peter always had an obsession with mountain, living in the Scottish highlands it leaves little wonder to understanding why…Jul 17, 2018Jul 17, 2018
Branding Is EverywhereWhen Originally thinking about the header for this post, I Thought of calling it ‘ Marketing is Everywhere’ but knowing some people might…Sep 11, 2017Sep 11, 2017
The Boy who Climbed a MountainAs a young boy peter always had an obsession with mountains, living in the Scottish highlands it leaves little wonder to understanding why…Jul 14, 2017Jul 14, 2017
Addiction In It’s Many FormsAddiction- a brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite it’s adverse consequences.Apr 24, 2017Apr 24, 2017
Society TodaySee that guy at the bar drinking by himself ? who’s apparently a ‘ loner ‘ he’s just lost his wife… bear with me where am going with this.Apr 15, 2017Apr 15, 2017
Life As I See ItYou’re of to the cinema to see a movie about your life, showing all the highs and low points starting from the beginning of your young age…Mar 29, 2017Mar 29, 2017
What I Learned Loosing a Parent at a Young Age.It was late 2005 November 21st to be precise, literally three weeks before Christmas which would’ve been six days before my 13th birthday…Mar 16, 2017Mar 16, 2017